We have changed the way you log in!
Administrators will now log in with their Cloud account Email Address and will no longer use a company name and master username.
This is the email address that is tied to the Master User and is most likely the email address that was used during the account creation. The Master User is always the first user in the user list.
**Important! If you get an error loading the data in the Dashboard, you can simply clear your temporary cache from your internet browser settings or switch to a different browser as a temporary fix. This issue will resolve itself naturally in time.
*Also Important! If you get “invalid username or password” - choose “Forgot Password” at the log in screen.
-Email addresses found to be associated with more than one account may need to consolidate passwords and will need to perform a password reset by choosing “forgot password”. After the reset is complete when you log in to the dashboard you may find a drop-down menu located at the top of your dashboard where you can switch between accounts easily.
Example of an admin with multiple Cloud accounts - note the account Admin User now has a separate section
Why we switched to email addresses for logging into the dashboard.
As Unity Intercom Cloud has grown the need to update and consolidate the log in process especially for users with multiple accounts is far better served and more secure using a single email address. This will greatly simplify development and growth as well as streamline the account management process providing a better overall experience going forward.
Here is a list of what’s changed.
Admin users will no longer log in with a “master username” instead will use the account email address.
The admin user account is now separated from other Client users to prevent accidental changes that affect the ability to log in to the dashboard.
The admin can now switch between multiple accounts, if they exist, through a drop down menu without having to log out.
Creating additional users has been simplified and no longer requires phone numbers and email addresses.
Admins can now uncheck the recurring subscription box themselves if checked.
Fixed a bug where managing users assigned to subscriptions had users greyed out and had to be deselected in a particular order.